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You could place them inside a Google Sheet









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If a page is still relevant, label them as ‘optimize’ and find possible pages to link to this page. If a page was relevant but now irrelevant such as old products or old services, you could delete them and leave them as 404. No need to redirect these as they don’t carry any link value at all. If a page is purposely left out, you could leave them as it is. Here’s a sample template that you could use: sample template for orphaned pages While orphan pages can be harmless to your website’s overall rankings and SEO value,

it could be a critical issue when important pages are left out. Include monitoring of orphan pages in your regular website maintenance audit. Make sure that your website has a healthy site CY Lists structure and good flow of link juice by internally linking pages to each other. Fix 404 pages Screaming frog 404 The 404 error is an HTTP status code that is sent by a website server to the browser if it is unable to find the webpage a user wants to access. It usually displays a message “Page Not Found” to users.

To find them, open your Screaming Frog and input your website URL, then start the crawl. Then click Client Error (4xx) to see the status codes. You can opt to compile these and send them over to your team’s web developers. You can also redirect the URLs (301) you believe are still useful to the new pages created to replace them. Secure your website Switch to HTTPS by using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL encrypts the link between a web server and a browser.


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