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So what about the rest produced in









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發表於 2024-3-13 12:54:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Quantities that eventually end up on sale? Unfortunately in this case we can talk about selective ecomarketing  which can only be a temporary action. A similar example comes from CocaCola which wanted to be ecofriendly but something clearly went wrong... During a campaign regarding the processing of secondary raw materials the company sent empty plastic bottles to the media. The action was intended to draw attention to throwing plastic into the appropriate container. Meanwhile the brand created another unnecessary waste thus exposing itself to ridicule. Unfortunately this is not the way to go... Instead CocaCola could consider changing plastic to a more ecological material .

Can we therefore talk about an increase in ecological awareness? It's more about business and the willingness to quickly adapt to customer needs. Quote: Many companies were founded Hit Post on the desire to change the world Ecomarketing through the eyes of the consumer What does it look like from consumers? Their awareness of environmental protection is still growing . Nowadays a product is not only about its usefulness or price but also about its impact on the environment and our health. It can be predicted that in times of great climate change ecology will not be just a temporary trend for customers but for some it will even become a way of life.

This is evidenced by the increasing number of people who segregate waste or have their own shopping bags and containers for food products. Ecomarketing and consumer expectations Ecomarketing is becoming more and more popular and all activities in this area can have a positive impact on the natural environment. Many brands understand that an ecoproduct or packaging is not everything and for the good of our planet it is also necessary to change production processes everyday .


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