By assessing these channels
Optimizing store locations. Enhancing signage. And more.and their strengths, you can customize our budget strategy to match your brand’s goals and audience. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach; each business has its unique combination. Regularly monitoring and adjusting budget allocation is vital for a successful findability strategy. Channel selection, format choice and content selection Every strategic decision and budget allocation must translate into tactics supported by: Channel selection: Utilizing search environments/search engines such as Google, YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, X (formerly Twitetr), physical stores, corners, malls, etc.Format choice: Considering options like video, voice, text, PDFs, images, photos, catalogs. It’s essential to assess the feasibility of generating new content or repurposing existing material. Content selection: Focusing on aspects like inspiration, education, entertainment, persuasion, etc. All of this aims to achieve specific business goals defined at each stage DB to Data of the purchase funnel. Example of Findability strategy and specific tactics by purchase funnel stage Example of Findability strategy and specific tactics by purchase funnel stage Key performance indicators Defining your key performance indicators (KPIs) will enable you to clarify objectives and track progress, ultimately leading to the initiative’s launch.
Below are some of the main KPIs we track: Zero results searches This KPI measures the number of searches that don’t yield any results or satisfactory responses for the user, which is crucial for improving search result accuracy and relevance. This can be improved by offering search suggestions, autocomplete and related links, or even making a suggestion to add a new product or service to the portfolio to cover the unmatched demand. Most common queries This KPI tracks popular keywords or search terms used by searchers to find information or products on a website.